In recent years at Fuel Storage Systems we have seen a great increase in the need for fuel conditioning systems. With bio diesel being introduced within standard diesel fuel this has led to the increased need for companies to take every measure possible to avoid fuel contamination.
Contaminated fuel inside storage tanks can lead to filter blockages and pump failures in some cases leading to big repair bills. Storage tanks particularly those with low usage do become prone to microbes and bugs with the need for regular fuel tank cleaning programmes or fixed fuel polishing systems a must in most cases.
Our conditioning kits will suit tanks of up to 65,000 litres on an automatically pre-set timer moving the fuel content around at a rate of 5,000 litres per day. when the flow pressure drops below a set limit the flow switch automatically closes and an alarm sounds to indicate a filter requires changing, this can also be linked to a remote warning device. An important part of this set up is the presence of a Pure Fuel Pre Filter which will break down the CFU'S allowing them to pass through filter and then are consumed by the engine in combustion.
Keeping your storage tanks clean and well maintained are just part of the responsibility that comes with ownership of these facilities. A regular tank clean cleaning programme will help to protect tank components, eliminate the risk of cross-contamination, help to extend the working life of your tank and all that will save you time and money in the long run.